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Your Pet, Our Passion.

Suurille koirille tarkoitetut koiranruoat

Asiantuntijat ovat kehittäneet suurten rotujen tarpeet huomioivat koiranruokamme. Ateriat ovat sekä ravitsevia että herkullisia, ja ne auttavat pitämään suuren koirarodun pennun terveenä ja onnellisena.
Koiranruoka suuret rodut luettelosivu

Choosing the right dog food for your big dog is easy with Purina. Our experts have developed special formulas full of the nutrients a large dog breed needs to be active and thrive. Our tailored dog food nutrition helps support your dog’s specific needs while providing a flavourful meal that is sure to please your canine’s taste buds. Whether it’s healthy joints, healthy bones or providing a boost to their natural defences, you can be sure to find the nutrients your pet needs in our delicious meals for dogs with robust physiques.